If you catch a Ginkgo leaf as it floats to earth, you'll have good luck.

Did not get as much accomplished this weekend as I would have liked.  Our cat is experiencing some fairly serious health issues and the weekend was fairly preoccupied with dealing with him.  I did get some very limited work done on the side flower beds and that is basically it.

We did find a Gingko Biloba tree under all the overgrown weeds we cleared out last week though.

Apparently the leaves can be made into a rather healthy tea or eaten in a salad; I'll be researching this further. This specimen is still rather small.  I discovered these trees have the potential to live for a 1000 years!

Burned through more of the mess that came out of the garden weeding adventure, or should I say Darrick did.

We've also got a good start on some Arugula and a new batch of sprouts.

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