Growing Things

 Our vegetable gardens next year are going to be raised beds.  There are many advantages to this approach including pest and soil control and ease of maintenance.  Darrick is nearly finished building and preparing our first one.  He has built the frame and the sides are large patio stones.  He will be adding a ledge all around as well.

The bottom has a wire mesh across it to prevent primarily moles from coming up into the bed.  It has been filled with earth, peat, compostables and we will continue to add to this mix (including our worm castings) in preparation for planting next year.

 Ultimately, we should end up with about 4 of them to start.  I'd like to produce enough to have a small stand in the summer months as well as supply ourselves.

In the meantime my Meyer lemon tree is exploding!  2 lemons are thisclose to being ready and there are 10-12 more in various states of growth.

And it's blooming AGAIN!

 I'm anticipating approximately one more month of outdoor time for it, then inside for the colder months.  I'll add a lime tree to the mix next year.  I'd also like a fig tree but know nothing at all about them so something to research for next year as well.

The red barn has a lot of potential.  Right now, it's FULL of old wood etc. but we have been slowly burning our way through it and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Maybe a few sheep?  Again, something to research for future days.  For now as I mentioned, it will be the location of the vermiculture project.  Our chickens will have a coop right next to it.

The Jerusalem Artichokes are EVERYWHERE!  They are actually quite lovely and surround our firepit area in an extremely pleasing way.  Unfortunately they are also occupying a large area of usable land so most of them will be dug out.  We'll likely be trying to cook with them a bit this Fall as well, this recipe in particular sounds amazing!

For the first time in, well, ever, I'm looking forward to Autumn and all the changes it brings!
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