New Blog - From City to Country

So here it is, a new blog to chronicle all our adventures "getting back to the land".  It seems like a good idea really, separating the content related to our lifestyle change from my other blog.  Will it become overwhelming?  Time will tell.

A little background story is in order.  On July 27th, 2012, after 2 years of talking about it,  we made the move from a condo in downtown Hamilton, Ontario to a 3000 square foot, 120 something year old Victorian country home in Waterford, Ontario.  We went from this:

to this:

and so far it has been one of the best decisions of my life.
2 Responses
  1. Dr Zibbs Says:

    Can't wait to see that heaping compost pit.

  2. Gage1 Says:

    Oh you WILL. And the worms are coming soon!

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